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U.S Visas – Know Everything about It

Today acquiring US visas become speedier and just electronic structures can be utilized to get visas. This article will give definite portrayal on different kinds of visas. Brief insights regarding different US visa groupings are as per the following:

  • A1 visa-It is for head of state or government or consular official appointed to the U.S and individuals from close family
  • B1 Visa-It is basically for brief guest for business
  • B2 Visa-This kind of visa is for brief guests for delight
  • C1 Visa-For outsider on the way through US.
  • C2 Visa-Outsider on the way to the Assembled Countries Central command Region under Segment 11.(3), (4) or (5) of the Base camp Concurrence with the Unified Countries.
  • E1 Visa-It is for settlement brokers, mate and youngsters.
  • E2 Visa-It is for settlement financial backer, life partner and kids
  • F1 Visa-It is for understudies who have scholarly preparation program.
  • F2 Visa-F1 ward can get this visa
  • G1-Head inhabitant illustrative of perceived unfamiliar part government to worldwide association, his/her staff and individuals from close family on long haul task.
  • G2-Other agent of perceived unfamiliar part government to worldwide association and individuals from close family on brief task.
  • G3-Delegate of non-perceived unfamiliar part government to worldwide association and individuals from close family.
  • G4-Global association official or worker and individuals from close family.
  • G5-Specialist, worker or individual representative of G1, G2, G3 or G4 class and individuals from close family.

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  • H-1B Visa – It is predominantly relevant to people in a specialty occupation which requires the hypothetical and functional application of a group of profoundly concentrated information requiring fruition of a particular course of advanced education.
  • H1C-This sort of visa is for enrolled medical caretakers.
  • H-2B Visa – This applies to brief nonagricultural laborers. This characterization requires an impermanent work confirmation gave by the Secretary of Work.
  • H-3 Visa-Applies to students. This grouping likewise applies to reasonable preparation in the schooling of crippled youngsters.
  • H4-It is for wards of H1, H2 or H3 visas.
  • I visa-It is for media people and wards
  • J1 – Trade guests starting with one country then onto the next country.
  • J2-Wards of J1 visa
  • L 1 Visa – applies to intercompany transferees who inside the three going before years, have been utilized abroad persistently for one year and who will be utilized by a branch, parent, member or auxiliary of that equivalent boss in the U.S. in an administrative, leader or specific information limit.
  • O-1 Visa – Applies to people who have remarkable capacity in technical disciplines, expressions, schooling, business or games or exceptional accomplishments in the film and TV field.
  • O-2 Visa-Applies to people going with an O-1 outsider to aid an imaginative or athletic presentation for a particular occasion or execution.
  • P-1 Visa-Applies to individual or group competitors or individuals from a diversion bunch that are globally perceived.
  • P-2 Chung minh tai chinh Visa-Applies to craftsmen or performers who will perform under an equal trade program.
  • Q-1 Visa-Applies to members in a worldwide social trade program to give reasonable preparation, work and the sharing of the set of experiences, culture and customs of the outsider’s nation of origin.
  • R1-It is for strict laborer visiting US temporarily.
  • TN-Canadian or Mexican resident working in an expert limit under the North American Economic deal
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